Striker Neymar awarded on Friday his last news conference in Brazil before leaving for the pre-season with Barcelona. In event 'fast-food' - lasted only fifteen minutes ago - Shirt 11 Catalans ensured that sees no problem in celebrating a goal against Santos in a friendly which will be held on August 2.
"If you make a goal, will be normal, I'm in Barcelona.'ll Give you an example. Ball when you play with your friends, you celebrate, right? This situation is the same.'ll Play with former teammates and friends will celebrate and to mark . normal and nobody will see it as disrespect, "he said, his voice still a little thin because of the operation he underwent to remove the tonsils.
At the conference, which served to celebrate their lease renewal with the company and Panasonic was held in Balneario Shopping in Santos striker was asked if he would call Messi to dance if a goal.
"If he accepts, no problem. I think everyone would like to see it eue and dancing together," he said.
After the event, Neymar had been scheduled to go to São Paulo Thiago visit the singer, who is admitted to a hospital in Sao Paulo.
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